Alberta May Drop COVID Jab Mandate For Some Healthcare Workers – LifeSite

But healthcare workers hired after November 2021 would still be subject to the mandate, according to a leaked document The Canadian province of Alberta is expected to remove a COVID jab mandate for health care workers in two weeks’ time, but not for staff hired this year. According to a Global News report from yesterday, […]

Senate Republicans Strike Down Biden’s Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandate In 49-44 Vote


  Senate Republicans on Wednesday voted to nix Biden’s CMS healthcare worker vaccine mandate in a 49-44 vote under the Congressional Review Act. Six Democrat Senators missed the vote on Wednesday. The effort will die in the Democrat-controlled House and Psaki already said Biden will use his veto power. The Hill reported: Senate Republicans on […]

Big Tech, World Leaders Are Quietly Preparing Digital IDs To Monitor, Crush Freedom Fighters Around The Globe – LifeSite

Global digital IDs, built on the framework of COVID jab passports and combined with social conformity metrics already in place for U.S. corporations, could make permanent the liberty-crushing controls imposed during the pandemic. In 2021, widespread implementation of COVID jab passport schemes in cities, states, and countries around the world not only pressured people into […]

CDC No Longer Recommends Universal Contact Tracing, Case Investigation


The U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) no longer recommends universal COVID-19 case investigation and contact tracing, instead saying health departments should direct those efforts to specific high-risk settings. The Feb. 28 update to the CDC guidance comes nearly two years after Robert Redfield, the agency’s previous director, told Congress that America needed […]

Florida Lawmakers Let Bills To Protect Doctors’ Freedom Of Speech Die


For months, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has spoken publicly about his hope lawmakers in his state would create a law protecting doctors who want to prescribe what they think is best for patients, even if it goes against current CDC and NIH guidelines for the treatment of COVID-19. Action he took on Feb. 24 offers […]

CDC Releases International Data On Risk Of Myocarditis Caused By MRNA Covid-19 Vaccines


In a new update published on the CDC website on February 22nd, scientists say prolonging the interval between the first and second dose from six to eight weeks “may mitigate the risk of myocarditis/pericarditis and improve vaccine effectiveness.” The CDC said the relative risk for myocarditis caused by mRNA vaccine is higher in young males […]