Will You Play It Fast And Loose?


Will You Play It Fast And Loose? Authored by MN Gordon via EconomicPrism.com, “How should I play that one, Bert?  Play it safe?  That’s the way you always told me to play it: safe… play the percentage.  Well, here we go: fast and loose.  One ball, corner pocket.  Yeah, percentage players die broke, too, don’t […]

Which Countries Hold The Most US Debt?


Which Countries Hold The Most US Debt? Today, America owes foreign investors of its national debt $7.3 trillion. These are in the form of Treasury securities, some of the most liquid assets worldwide. Central banks use them for foreign exchange reserves and private investors flock to them during flights to safety thanks to their perceived low […]

Panic In Philly As Chemical Spill Sends Residents Scrambling For Bottled Water


Panic In Philly As Chemical Spill Sends Residents Scrambling For Bottled Water Philadelphia officials warned area residents on Sunday to drink only bottled water “out of caution” following the spill of a latex product along a tributary of the Delaware River. “City of Phila recommends using bottled drinking water from 2PM 3/26/2023 until further notice […]

New Documents Expose Government Censorship Efforts At Facebook And WhatsApp


New Documents Expose Government Censorship Efforts At Facebook And WhatsApp Authored by Jonathan Turley, New emails uncovered in the ongoing Missouri v. Biden litigation reportedly show that the Biden Administration’s censorship efforts extended to Facebook to censor private communications on its WhatsApp messaging service. In recent months, the Twitter Files revealed an extensive and secret effort by the […]

WTF Headline Of The Day


WTF Headline Of The Day Nobody likes getting punched in the balls… especially if you’re a woman… Image Source: NYPost A transgender woman has called for the dismantling of airport TSA screenings after she claimed an agent punched her in the testicles and “yelled at me for having a penis”. The flyer posted a since-deleted […]

EU Ban On Russian Fuel Leads To Diesel Glut In Asia


EU Ban On Russian Fuel Leads To Diesel Glut In Asia Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via OilPrice.com, The EU’s ban on imports of Russian oil products resulted in Russia diverting its petroleum products to North Africa and Asia. Asian refineries now have to compete with Russia for diesel sales, with weekly gasoil inventories at the […]

US Tensions With Iran Reignite As Dollar’s Petro-Currency Status Under Threat


US Tensions With Iran Reignite As Dollar’s Petro-Currency Status Under Threat Only two weeks after Saudi Arabia announced an effort to establish diplomatic ties to Iran in a deal mediated by China, more news surfaced that Saudi Arabia was also planning to reopen its embassy in Syria for the first time in over a decade.  […]

Eminent Oxford Scientist Says Wind Power “Fails On Every Count”

BY TYLER DURDEN  SUNDAY, MAR 26, 2023 Authored by Chris Morrison via DailySceptic.org, It could be argued that the basic arithmetic showing wind power is an economic and societal disaster in the making should be clear to a bright primary school child. Now the Oxford University mathematician and physicist, researcher at CERN and Fellow of Keble […]