A Brazilian TV reporter from Alterosa Alerta Sul de Minas was hospitalized after suffering a cardiac arrest on a live news broadcast on Monday. The incident happened one week after he took his booster shot.
Rafael Silva, 36-years-old and is the presenter of Jornal das 7, fainted and collapsed while covering a news story. He was quickly attended by the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) and taken to the nearest hospital. According to the report, he suffered five cardiac arrests on the way to the hospital.
Silva has been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at Humanitas Hospital in Varginha since Monday. According to a report from a local news site, the journalist was extubated, is conscious, and started talking.
“He talked to his mother, his brother, even asked to go to the bathroom. His recovery is the best possible. We are very happy with this news,” Kadu Lopes said during the Alterosa Alerta show on Tuesday.