“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

Time to opt out of this broken system and take back your power!

A Warning From Australia — Here’s What Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate On Truckers Will Look Like When It Kicks In #BareShelvesBiden


According to government figures U.S. goods and services trade with Canada totaled an estimated $718.4 billion in 2019. Exports were $360.4 billion; imports were $358.0 billion.

Canada was the largest goods export market in 2019. Canada was the United States’ 3rd largest supplier of goods imports in 2019. U.S. goods imports from Canada totaled $319.4 billion. 70% of that trade is moved by truck.

Starting on January 15th, this coming Saturday, US truckers must show proof of vaccine to enter Canada.  The Biden regime’s vaccine mandate will mean around 30,000 cross-border truckers will be forced to shut down.

Things are about to get real.
The storm is coming.

It’s Coming: Biden’s Latest Irrational Moves Obliterate the US Economy About 2 Weeks Out

Here is what we have to look forward to — from reader Trevor in Australia.

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