Australian actor Hugh Jackman has revealed he has tested positive for COVID-19, putting on hold his Broadway performance “The Music Man” for five days. “I just wanted you to hear it from me that I tested positive this morning for COVID,” the 53-year-old actor said in a video posted to Twitter and Instagram on Dec. 28. Producers have called off performances of “The Music Man” until Jan. 2, just last week, Jackman’s co-star also came down with the virus and had to be replaced by an understudy. “My symptoms are like a cold. I have a scratchy throat and a bit of a runny nose, but I’m fine. And I’m just gonna do everything I can to get better ASAP. And as soon as I’m cleared, I’ll be back on stage, heading to River City.” Jackman is best known for playing Wolverine, an invincible superhero who can instantly heal from any injury. » Read full article
Sperm Counts Halved, Is This Diet-Switch Triggering an Apocalypse?
Analysis by Ashley Armstrong Story at-a-glance Male fertility is declining sharply, with sperm counts dropping over 50% in the last 50 years The shift from saturated fats to polyunsaturated