“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

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Betty White Died Six Days After Suffering A Stroke: Death Certificate


Comedic actress Betty White died six days after suffering a stroke, her death certificate states. According to the certificate, which was obtained by The Associated Press, the beloved “Golden Girls” and “Mary Tyler Moore Show” actor died at her home in the Brentwood, Los Angeles as the result of a Dec. 25 cerebrovascular accident, the medical term for a stroke. No underlying causes or conditions were listed on White’s birth certificate. The cause was provided by White’s doctor, as is typical in such cases. Jeff Witjas, White’s longtime agent and friend, said she had been staying close to her home during the COVID-19 pandemic. “I was told that Betty passed in her sleep peacefully without pain,” Witjas told Fox News Digital on Monday. “To me, that is the most important thing and brings me comfort as her dear friend.” The information from the death certificate was first reported by TMZ …  » Read full article

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