“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

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Canadian Parliament Rejects Conservative Motion Calling For An End To COVID Jab Mandates – LifeSite

MP Michael Barrett’s motion to ‘immediately lift all federal vaccine mandates,’ protect the jobs of federally regulated employees and enable Canadians to travel unimpeded was defeated in a 212-117 vote.

A Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) motion demanding an end to “all federal vaccine mandates” was voted down in Canada’s House of Commons yesterday due to opposition from the Liberal Party and their NDP allies.

CPC MP Michael Barrett’s motion had the full support of all CPC MPs, including interim leader Candice Bergen, and former leader Erin O’Toole. However, that was not enough to pass the motion, which was defeated in a 212-117 vote.

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