We knew this was coming, Colorado and New York governors recently announced their support for redefining what it really means to be “fully vaccinated.”
During a press conference on Thursday, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul revealed that she is planning to introduce legislation to change the definition of being “fully vaccinated” to include a booster shot.
The Democrat governor mentioned that although this legislation needs to gather more data and is well thought out, the change may happen soon saying that “at some point, we have to determine that fully vaccinated means boosted as well,” CNY Central reported.
Another Democrat governor, Jared Polis from Colorado, said on Sunday that Coloradans may need a booster shot to be “fully vaccinated.”
In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Gov. Polis said that the third shot of vaccine shouldn’t be considered a booster but rather a necessary dose to fight against COVID-19.