On Friday Russia blocked access to Facebook after imposing partial restrictions on the social media giant last week for refusing Russia’s request to stop fact-checking the state media.
Telangana reported — The Russian government said on Friday that it will begin to “partially restrict” access to Facebook, after the social network put restrictions on four Russian state-linked media outlets — the television network Zvezda, news agency RIA Novosti, and the websites Lenta.ru and Gazeta.ru.
On Friday afternoon Facebook, Meta President of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, tweeted out that “soon millions of ordinary Russians will find themselves cut off from reliable information…”
This is rich coming from Facebook — the far left company that stifled free speech in America and destroyed the right to free speech in the USA.
As we reported before–
In 2017 Harvard and Columbia Journalism Review found that The Gateway Pundit was the 4th most influential conservative news source in the 2016 election.