“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

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DeSantis Wants Legislation To Protect Hospitalized Patients’ Rights


GAINESVILLE, Fla.—Florida is determined to protect the rights of patients in nursing homes and hospitals, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Feb. 2. After a press conference about an $89 million investment in workforce education, DeSantis said legislation was being drafted to combat an alarming trend around his state and across the county—restrictions on families visiting loved ones.  DeSantis, a Republican up for reelection this year, was asked by The Epoch Times about a comment he made on Twitter on Jan. 21 referring to legislation being drafted “to protect the rights of patients to have loved ones visit.”  Throughout the pandemic, families around the country have faced varying levels of restriction when it comes to visiting relatives. And when they’ve challenged hospital policies blocking visits, some have been arrested, attorneys consulted by the families have told The Epoch Times. What you’ll see over the next couple of weeks is a package develop that’s …  » Read full article

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