“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

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EXCLUSIVE: Over 500 Military Service Members Sue The Government For Mandating A Vaccine That Was Not FDA Approved And Should Not Have Been Administered



Over 500 service members filed a suit against the government on Monday.  These individuals argue that the vaccine mandate forced on the military was not approved and therefore should never have been administered to the military.

Around 520 military service members filed a suit on Monday against the government.  Their primary argument is that the vaccine mandate is illegal because there is no approved vaccine available in the US. This means that approximately 55% ( amount vaccinated since the August 23, 2021 mandate from the Secretary of Defense (SecDef) ) of the military have been vaccinated illegally and under duress.

See the court filing below.

ECF Filed Complt 5-23-22 by Jim Hoft on Scribd

This case comes after last week’s ruling where a Navy Officer was found innocent of wrongdoing when he didn’t take the COVID vaccine.

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