The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is breaking its own rule that states pilots should not fly after having taken medications that have been approved for less than a year, according to a group of attorneys, doctors, and other experts; including a pilot who says his career ended due to adverse reactions from a vaccine. Airlines, which are government contractors, are affected by President Joe Biden’s order from September that states all employees of those companies have to be vaccinated against the CCP virus. The group of attorneys and doctors wrote a letter directed at the FAA, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Justice, as well as several airlines, demanding that they medically flag all vaccinated pilots and have them re-examined for blood clotting problems as well as their cardiac health. “The Federal Aviation Agency is charged with ensuring the safety of the flying public. Instead, as we speak the FAA, » Read full article

Bombshell Study – Popular Cooking Staple Linked to Memory Loss?
Aluminum Foil Is a Major Source of Aluminum Exposure, Studies Show Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola – November 06, 2024 Admin Note: foil is a staple for many and