“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

Time to opt out of this broken system and take back your power!

Facts Matter (April 12): Moderna Recalls 764K Vaccine Doses Due To Contamination, 8 Months After 1.6M Doses Recalled In Japan


In Georgia, the secretary of state has just opened an investigation into over 1,600 non-citizens who attempted to register to vote in Georgia. This criminal referral came after a statewide investigation was conducted and found that over half of Georgia’s counties saw non-citizens who attempted to get access to the ballot box.
Meanwhile, Moderna has issued an official recall for over 764,000 doses of their COVID-19 vaccine within Europe—after they discovered contaminants within the vials.
Lastly, while I was covering the truckers’ convoy a few weeks back, I ran into a truck driver by the name of Rick Daniels.
Right away, as soon as we met we had a great conversation, and so later in the convoy, we met up. My cameraman and I jumped into Daniels’s cabin and we had a phenomenal interview where we discussed the goal of the convoy, his own family experience with escaping communism in Indonesia,  » Read full article

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