The movie is based on Tim Ballard’s life story of starting Operation Underground Railroad, an international organization dedicated to helping save children in sex slavery across the world.
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The Sound of Freedom movie, which tells the true story of what child sex slavery is like in the modern world, launched a red carpet premiere in Washington, DC on June 20. One resounding message stood out from it all: God’s children are not for sale.
The movie is based on Tim Ballard’s life story of starting Operation Underground Railroad (OUR). OUR is an international organization dedicated to helping save children in sex slavery across the world. The Post Millennial spoke to Ballard on the red carpet at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC.
We asked what it meant to Ballard to see the movement against child sex-trafficking come this far. He responded, “We can rescue the one we can rescue the hundreds, even the thousands. But there’s millions. How do you end this?”
OUR was named after the original Underground Railroad which helped enslaved black people in the US escape to the northern states in the 1800s. Ballard has said that OUR has even learned tactics by reading about the underground railroad to rescue children from sex slavery in the modern day… Read full article