“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

Time to opt out of this broken system and take back your power!

Hamantaschen are traditionally served during Purim, which begins TOMORROW! But they truly can be…

Hamantaschen are traditionally served during Purim, which begins TOMORROW! But they truly can be…

Hamantaschen are traditionally served during Purim, which begins TOMORROW! But they truly can be…
Hamantaschen are traditionally served during Purim, which begins TOMORROW! But they truly can be enjoyed any time of the year! ⁠ These Gluten-Free Hamantaschen are tender, light, and delicious. These cookies have a shortbread like texture, wrapped around jam and are quite simple to make. ⁠

You can have fun with what you fill them with, traditional or creative (see the post)! Everyone will love them! ⁠If you make them, send me a picture!⁠


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