On Wednesday, the woke arbiters of truth at Twitter permanently suspended the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, from their platform.
A few hours before the suspension, Dr. Malone shared a review from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance – an organization of medical experts that provides “independent, science-based evidence” – that looked at Pfizers clinical vaccine data.
According to the expert panels review, the vaccine maker’s own trials showed that after 6 months the experimental Covid-19 Vaccines actually “cause more harm than good.”
The Gateway Pundit also released this damning report from the Canadian COVID Care Alliance. You can read the first part here: (Damning Report: Canadian COVID Care Alliance Explains Why Pfizer Shots Can Do More Harm Than Good (VIDEO)
And the second part here: Part 2: Canada COVID Care Alliance Analysis Shows Pfizer’s Vaccination for Kids is ‘ALL RISK’ and No Benefit – Pfizer Acknowledges it Will Cause Myocarditis in Children (VIDEO)
Below is the powerful Pfizer Presentation That Got Dr.