“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

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I really really really wanna plate of this right now! 🥢 Our Homemade Crispy…

I really really really wanna plate of this right now! 🥢 Our Homemade Crispy…

I really really really wanna plate of this right now! 🥢

Our Homemade Crispy Sesame Chicken is our favorite cake-away meal to make at home! Sticky sweet sesame sauce in crispy chicken, does it get any better??

Find the recipe by Googling Served From Scratch sesame Chicken!


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I really really really wanna plate of this right now! 🥢

Our Homemade Crispy Sesame Chicken is our favorite cake-away meal to make at home! Sticky sweet sesame sauce in crispy chicken, does it get any better??

Find the recipe by Googling Served From Scratch sesame Chicken!

A post shared by @fresh.unlimited

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