“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

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It Begins… Elites Discuss Redefining “Booster” Since They Are Not Sure How Many “Booster” Shots Will Be Demanded of the Population



Trust the Science.

You just knew this was coming.
The regime is now concerned about using the word “booster” to describe the number of vaccine shots they will force on the population.

The CDC already changed the meaning of the word vaccine earlier this year.

Emails Reveal CDC Changed Definition of “Vaccine” and “Vaccination” Because Their Experimental COVID Shots Didn’t Work as Advertised

now the medical tyrants want to redefine or rethink the use of the word “booster” because they are still not sure how many booster shots will be needed before Dr. Fauci claims the pandemic has ended.

Via Bloomberg.


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