“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

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LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: Mike Lindell Sending MyPillows To Canadian Truckers Across The Detroit Bridge — After Trudeau Warns Of Arrests



Mike Lindell is sending MyPillows to help the Canadian truckers resisting tyranny in Canada.

Business Insider reported: 

Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, pledged to send pillows to the truckers in the Canadian trucker convoy that has blocked major arteries across the US-Canada border…”We’re gonna get these brave truckers, and it’s going on around the world now. It’s amazing. We’re winning,” Lindell, said about the “Freedom Convoy,” a group of truckers who have blocked roads in Canada’s capital Ottawa since late January to protest against the country’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates. He pointed to Canadian provinces that have pulled back their COVID mandates amid the protest.

Watch the livestream via RSBN on Rumble: 

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