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New Hampshire Lawmakers Propose Bill That Will Allow Pharmacists To Administer Ivermectin Without Prescription



Lawmakers in Concord Hampshire are proposing a bill that will allow pharmacists to dispense Ivermectin by means of standing orders.

“Standing order” means a written and signed protocol authored by one or more physicians licensed under RSA 329:12 or one or more advanced practice registered nurses licensed under RSA 326-B:18, the bill stated.

The bill is now in committee but is expected to go to a House vote in the coming weeks, WMUR reported.

More from Newsweek:

New Hampshire residents may soon be able to receive ivermectin from pharmacies without first getting a prescription or approval from a doctor.

Proposed legislation titled House Bill 1022 would allow pharmacists to dispense the drug, which some believe can treat COVID-19 even though it lacks approval for such use from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA),

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