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NEW: House Lifts Mask Mandate Just In Time For Biden’s SOTU Address



Capitol Physician Brian Monahan on Sunday told lawmakers in a letter that individuals may now choose to wear masks, but it is no longer a requirement.

The House lifted its mask mandate just in time for Joe Biden’s SOTU address.

The Hill reported:

The House is lifting its mask mandate ahead of President Biden’s State of the Union address this week, making mask wearing optional throughout the Capitol complex.

In a letter on Sunday, Capitol Physician Brian Monahan shared the changes with lawmakers returning to Washington this week.

“Individuals may choose to mask at any time, but it is no longer a requirement,” he wrote.

Monahan said positive COVID-19 test rates at the Capitol are down to 2.7 percent in the last two weeks, below the current rate for the DC-Metropolitan area (4.7 percent).

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