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‘Pandemic Of The Vaccinated’: Latest UK Health Data Shows Vaccinated Deaths Higher Than Unvaccinated Deaths In Last Three Months!



The latest official health data from the British government shows that “fully vaccinated” individuals are not experiencing the robust protection against hospitalization or death that they were promised, but rather have alarmingly been contracting the virus, getting hospitalized, and even dying at a much higher number than the unvaccinated have been over the past few months.

As of December 5th, the vaccinated have accounted for a whopping 4 of every 5 total Covid-19 deaths in England since August 16th, 2021, according to The UK Health Security Agency’s Covid data.

Over those four months, there were 3,070 Covid-19 deaths among the unvaccinated population in England, compared to 12,058 deaths among the vaccinated population during the same time frame.

This chart below, courtesy of The UK Daily Exposé, illustrates the UK Covid death numbers by vaccination status.

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