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Pfizer modifies formulation of its COVID jab for 5 to 11-year old kids, adds ingredient used to stabilize heart attacks


pfizer-adds-new-ingredient(NaturalHealth365)  This week, American parents witnessed the U.S. government give the full go-ahead for the Pfizer mRNA COVID shot for kids aged 5 to 11.  The public has been told that this injection has been specially formulated for children and contains a “lower dose” – just 10 micrograms of the ingredients compared to 30 micrograms for people aged 12 and up.

But these COVID shots for under-12 kids contain ingredients that have nothing to do with “preventing” COVID – including one substance frequently used in people who have had heart attacks.  So, could this be an attempt by Big Pharma to prophylactically mitigate jab-related cardiac arrest in innocent young children?

Pfizer adds NEW ingredient to COVID shot for kids aged 5-11 that is commonly used to manage severe electrolyte imbalances following heart attacks

As heavy propaganda for mass injection continues – Big Bird from Sesame Street got his COVID shot this week,

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