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Report: Justice Sonia Sotomayor Working Remotely Because Gorsuch Refuses To Wear Face Mask In Court



US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is still working remotely because fellow justice Neil Gorsuch refuses to wear a face mask.

Triple vaxxed Sotomayor, 67, is overweight and has diabetes so she is at high risk for severe illness or death from Covid.

Someone should tell Sotomayor that a face mask is not going to stop her from getting Covid.

NPR reported:

It was pretty jarring earlier this month when the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court took the bench for the first time since the omicron surge over the holidays. All were now wearing masks. All, that is, except Justice Neil Gorsuch. What’s more, Justice Sonia Sotomayor was not there at all, choosing instead to participate through a microphone setup in her chambers.

Sotomayor has diabetes, a condition that puts her at high risk for serious illness,

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