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Stacey Abrams Panics, Deletes Maskless Photo Of Her Surrounded By Masked Children During Visit To Georgia Elementary School



A maskless Stacey Abrams was photographed with masked children during her visit to a Georgia elementary school last week.

Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has been branded a “mask Fascist” for wanting the government to impose mask mandates for all Georgians.

Abrams, a morbidly obese 48-year-old, is at a much higher risk of dying from Covid than children, but she’s the only one not wearing a mask.

This is child abuse.

Maybe she was holding her breath like LA Mayor Garcetti was when he took a maskless photo with Magic Johnson?

The principal from Glennwood Elementary School shared the photo of Abrams on Twitter.

Dr. Holly Brookins tweeted the photo of Abrams with this caption: “Extraordinary way to kick off the 3rd annual African-American Read-in at GlennWood and Black History Month. Thrilled to host Stacey Abrams author of Stacey’s Extraordinary Words!”

Stacey Abrams retweeted the photos and responded to the principal: Spending time with Glennwood’s amazing students,

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