“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

Time to opt out of this broken system and take back your power!

TGIF! Let’s celebrate with a favorite snack! Is there anything better to snack on…

TGIF! Let’s celebrate with a favorite snack! Is there anything better to snack on…

TGIF! Let's celebrate with a favorite snack! Is there anything better to snack on…
TGIF! Let’s celebrate with a favorite snack! Is there anything better to snack on than some crispy salty corn tortilla chips? Only made from scratch, freshly fried Corn Tortilla Chips!⁠

We love to make our own corn tortillas from scratch, and then love even more to cut those tortillas into triangle and pop ’em in some hot oil for these from scratch chips! If you thought you couldn’t eat just one chip from a bag – you’re in big delicious “trouble” with these! ⁠

Find the full recipe and instructions for the homemade corn tortillas and these chips by clicking the link in my bio @servedfromscratch!

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