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These secretly healthy chocolate chip blondies are one of the first recipes I ever…

These secretly healthy chocolate chip blondies are one of the first recipes I ever…

💗These secretly healthy chocolate chip blondies are one of the first recipes I ever published, and I remember being so worried people might not like them, because no one had done chickpea blondies before. Would everyone think the concept was just too crazy to try? Thankfully I could not have been more wrong! The blondies quickly took over the food blog world, with hundreds of other blogs making and posting their own versions. Strangers recognized me in real life and came up to tell me they’d tried the blondies at a party and were shocked to find out the ingredients. (The most fun part of this recipe is telling people the ingredients after they’ve tried one.)
✨The recipe is up on the blog if you want to try them out for yourself, or it’s also in my insta story today: @chocolatecoveredkatie


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💗These secretly healthy chocolate chip blondies are one of the first recipes I ever published, and I remember being so worried people might not like them, because no one had done chickpea blondies before. Would everyone think the concept was just too crazy to try? Thankfully I could not have been more wrong! The blondies quickly took over the food blog world, with hundreds of other blogs making and posting their own versions. Strangers recognized me in real life and came up to tell me they’d tried the blondies at a party and were shocked to find out the ingredients. (The most fun part of this recipe is telling people the ingredients after they’ve tried one.)
✨The recipe is up on the blog if you want to try them out for yourself, or it’s also in my insta story today: @chocolatecoveredkatie

A post shared by @fresh.unlimited

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