“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

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Tried out a TikTok trend inspired by @healthyishfoods and verdict: YES, YES, YES!!🥚🥑 Grated…

Tried out a TikTok trend inspired by @healthyishfoods and verdict: YES, YES, YES!!🥚🥑 Grated…

Tried out a TikTok trend inspired by @healthyishfoods and verdict: YES, YES, YES!!🥚🥑 🍞 Grated eggs are EPIC. They’re soft & somewhat pillowy (if that makes any sense), and I’m already dreaming of a breakfast version with bacon, egg, and cheese!⁠

Toast anyyyy bread you’d like⁠.⁠
Slather with a little grass-fed butter⁠ (or mayo if ya like)⁠
Smash some avocado on the toast⁠.⁠
Sprinkle a little flakey heirloom or maldon sea salt⁠.⁠
Grate that hard boiled egg (see my how-to on this!)⁠.⁠
Top with cracked black pepper and hot sauce⁠. Grated cheese would be great too!⁠

#gratedegg #gratedeggavocadotoast #avocadotoast #hotsauce #avocados #tiktoktrend

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