“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

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VIDEO: Canadian Truckers Against COVID Tyranny BLOCK HIGHWAY To And From United States – With “Mandate Freedom” Signs



Canadian truckers against COVID tyranny blocked the highway entering the US from Canada both ways on Monday.

One of the trucks had a sign reading, “Mandate Freedom!”

Truckers Stage Protest Against Mandates At The U.S.-Canada Border at Emerson Manitoba pic.twitter.com/iBwZHHlTJC

— BasedUK (@Based__UK) January 18, 2022

As The Gateway Pundit reported 10 days ago, Joe Biden is planning on shutting down a significant portion of the trade pipeline with Canada this month.

According to government figures U.S. goods and services trade with Canada totaled an estimated $718.4 billion in 2019. Exports were $360.4 billion; imports were $358.0 billion.

Canada was the largest goods export market in 2019. Canada was the United States’ 3rd largest supplier of goods imports in 2019. U.S. goods imports from Canada totaled $319.4 billion.

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