“Astute: adj. shrewd, perceptive, discerning, an ability to notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp, clever”

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WAYNE ROOT: If The Vaccine Is So Great, Why Are So Many People Dropping Dead? Heart Attacks Skyrocket, Children Suffer Heart Problems, Soccer Players Dropping On Fields, ICUs Overwhelmed From Coast To Coast



By Wayne Allyn Root

The Covid vaccines are clearly causing a global health disaster. There are so many warnings from all around the world. I’ll list just a few in this column. But the U.S. media remains silent. They’re as quiet as a church mouse. Why?

Japan’s Health Ministry just announced that the “the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines could cause heart-related side effects in younger males.” Health experts in Japan have witnessed
skyrocketing rates of myocarditis and pericarditis in young men and teenagers. And they’ve seen the same nonstop heart issues with middle aged Japanese and seniors.

All over America, and all over the world, cardiac arrest, heart inflammation, and heart attack deaths are exploding. Young athletes are dropping right on the field; star soccer players in Europe are dropping dead in the middle of games; referees, coaches and even fans in the stands are having cardiac emergencies.

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